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MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

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MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

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Patients often experience discomfort or claustrophobia when having a traditional MRI scan. This is due to the long, narrow design of these machines. This design can also make it quite difficult to accommodate larger patients. That is why we have invested in wide bore, .3 Telsa Open MRI scanners.

Our MRI systems provide a shorter, wider design that is far more comfortable for patients. In fact, it is quite common for patients to comment on how open the machine feels. This open design also allows for the accommodation of larger patients up to 400 pounds.

A typical scan takes about 15-30 minutes. To make this scan time just a bit more comfortable, our scanners are equipped with a radio that patients can use. This feature often helps patients to relax while still allowing them to communicate with the technician performing their MRI.

In addition to listening to music, many patients will also be allowed to have a family member or friend present with them in the MRI room. However, this may not be possible in all cases.

To ensure referring doctors are able to quickly access the results of an MRI scan, these results are made available to them through a web-based program. MRI images can also be made available on CD.

What is a MRI?

MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. This scanning technology allows doctors to see inside your body without the need for an x-ray. This is important because while x-ray machines expose you to radiation, an MRI is completely safe and requires no radiation to provide clear, high definition images. An MRI scan is also pain free.

How does the MRI machine work?

An MRI scanner works by creating a precise magnetic field. Radio frequency waves are then used within this magnetic field to make the hydrogen protons inside your body vibrate. These vibrations are then collected with a special antennae known as a coil. The information collected by this coil is then processed by the MRI’s computer and the computer produces a clear image of the anatomy being scanned. This image can then be viewed on the computer screen, saved for later evaluation, or printed on film for closer analysis.

MRI Studies Offered:

  • Head
  • Chest
  • Shoulder
  • Abdomen
  • Fingers, Hand, Elbow (dedicated hand coil)
  • Spine (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar)
  • Soft Tissue Neck
  • Orbit
  • Hips
  • Pelvis
  • Toes/Foot Ankle